Let us tell you a fairytale – Clown & Theatre workshop

July session: 4th – 6th of July, 2020
Presentation: 10th of July
Orselina Park / Sala del Comune di Orselina

The shortest distance between two people is a smile.

— Charlie Chaplin

The clown and theatre workshop was designed to respond to the needs of many families in this challenging period, who were not able to leave on holidays due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The workshop is dedicated to children aged 4-12 years old, who are welcomed to discover the world of clown & theatre, together with Igor Mamlenkov, who holds a Master’s Degree at the Accademia Teatro Dimitri and Markéta Pščolková (master student at the Accademia Teatro Dimitri).

The first part of each training is dedicated to improvisation, stage movement, work on rhythm, juggling and dancing. In the second part we will take care of the creation of the final showing. We will also work on the props, which will be made out of carton or paper.

Igor Mamlenkow has a Master’s degree from the Accademia Teatro Dimitri and dedicates himself to the art of clown. His work with children is linked not only to the Ticinese region, but also to Barcelona and Zurich.

„I strongly believe that clownery is one of the best languages to relate to children. We as clowns are learning a lot from kids themselves. It’s a joyful and proactive way to create together.“

— Igor Mamlenkow